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lab6_es 1_ilaria milioni

my building is placed in the north face of rome and follows moreless exposure north-south.The structor is composed by a four floors rectangular parallelepiped with pilotis on the ground floor. The house is surrounded by a great number of trees but in the solar study i considered only evergreen trees because of they are the ones that influences daylight's area during all year and the ones that have known size(dato il fatto che gli altri alberi sono ad ora ancora completamente spogli e non se ne percepisce quindi la geometria). The most interesting facades are the east and west ones; in the morning east facade is shaded by the high trees and by a great building, contrary north and west facades are not illuminated and south face is illumunated. In the afternoon east facade is totaly shaded meanwhile west facade receives sunlight and trees and buildings' shadows on the side.Also south facade in the afternoon stars to be illuminated in spite of trees' shadows. North face is shaded during all afternoon.

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