Steps I followed to create my solar analysis:
- I changed the PROJECT UNITS (MODEL TAB) into metric system
- I assured myself I was using the ORTOGRAPHIC VIEW (MANAGE TAB)
- I set up the correct address and I imported the map (clicking SET LOCATION under the cube on the right side of the screen)
- I created masses (MODEL TAB) and then I extruded my simple solids ( trying to recreate the real buildings I counted 3 metres of heights for each floor outside the ground)-> FINISH MASS
- I clicked on SUN PATH -> SUN SETTINGS (to set the same time I shot the pictures)
- I clicked on SHADOWS to make them appear.
- Last step was to click on CAMERA (MANAGE TAB) and locate my points of view.
Comparing the pictures I shot with the 3d project created with VASARI System I could see if the shadows corresponded.I took my pictures twice a day in a very close time 12:10 and 13:10 from different sides of the building (North-Est and South-West).
The district is Villa Bonelli and I shot the pictures along Via Vigna Due Torri and Via Enrico ALbanese. It is a residential neighbourhood fullfilled with green zones, that alterate the vasari's shadows from the real ones, also the shadows could be partially not visible because of the cloudy weather.
On the North Est part of the map I decided to extrude also the walls of the villa in front of my building to recreate the view of the pictures as real as possible. In the same way I extruded the walls around my building that enclose the garages.