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Shadows Study with Vasari - Testaccio

Hello everyone and welcome to the first exercise of Parametric Design . For this delivery we require you to use the program for the parametric design Vasari to project the shadows of the buildings at certain hours of a specific day and compare them with photographs of the same view taken at the same time and date of the simulations. The building is located in the study area of ​​Testaccio in Rome and is surrounded by buildings on three sides and a square on the fourth.

I carefully monitored my building trying to figure out how the shadows of the surrounding environment are projected on the facades and I noticed that the front of the building facade south-east is lower than the building of my study , which implies that the shadow can only be appreciated in the early hours of the morning (photo 1).

The rest of the building because of its orientation and positioning of the surrounding buildings is completely in the shade (south-west and north-west facade) or sunny (north-east facade). A late morning ( about 9:00 to 9:30 ) shadows on the facade of the south-east and disappear , with the next image , you can see the shadows inside the court building (photo 2).

It was not until the early afternoon in order to appreciate the shadows on the south-west facades that define the shapes of the Oratory (photo 3).

Late in the afternoon , finally , the shadows of the church of Santa Maria Liberatrice begin to be projected on the facade of the south-west and north-west (photo 4, sorry for this... cloudy day). 

Finally , still wandering around the neighborhood in the last minute of the afternoon i noticed the building near to study site cause shadows that i could not pass up , here they are for you:

That's all folks ! Thank you for your attention and stay tuned for future updates on this blog. Ciao!!!




hai provato con il nostro portale?



Si ho provato seguendo le istruzioni del vademecum ma nella mia interfaccia di testo non compare l'opzione per l'host delle immagini, quindi mi sono arrangiato, magari ne riparliamo martedì.

Ho corretto secondo le direttive del vademecum, ora mi ha dato tutte le opzioni senza problemi.