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1_Es Lab_6 Vasari Solar Analysis_ Divino Amore_ Giulia Gentile

After opening “vasari” i clicked “project units” from “manage” menu and i changed the settings about the metric units, sub-sequently, after creating an “autodesk” account, i clicked “location” for the “analyze” menu to visualize the area of study. After locating the area using Google Earth i clicked “import site image” to visualize this image for google maps on the vasari’s screen.
Afterwards i set the image as a plant by clicking “Top” on the cube located in the upper right corner and i started to create the base for the solids by clicking “create mass” and hand-drawing the surface using the command “model line”, subsequently i set the 3D visualization by clicking the cube’sedges and the previously drawn image to have a high solid, by pushing the blue arrow at the top. Once extruded the solid i set the right highness and clicked the command “finish mass”. After extruding all the solids needed for the study of the shadows, with the explained process, i clicked the commands “sun path” and “shadows”.
Once activated the previously commands, i modified data, hour and the views to study the sunshine and its shadows on my building and i captured these images. Afterwards i studied in deep some parts of the job by setting the command “camera”, developing in this way some head room views.
The study area is my home, located in “via del Fosso di Tor Pagnotta”, a cross street of “via Castel di Leva”, “Divino Amore” zone. It’s a detached house at a higher altitude than the surrounding houses and the level of the street, but for this study i considered it at the same altitude.
I noted that at 7:00am the house is completely in the shade, while at 12:00am the South and North-East facades are completely exposed to the sun, while the South-West and the North facades are completely in the shade, the first one is due to the shadow that the house creates it self, the second one is due to the presence of another construction at East.
At 18:00 the only two facades exposed to the sun are South and South-West.
On December 21st (winter solstice) at 12:00 am, when the sun should have the maximum gradient, we can note that the only facade exposed to the sun is the Southern one, while on June 21st (summer solstice), in addition to the Southern facade, the South-East facade is exposed to the sun. The South-West facade always presents it self in the shade, although the changes of data and hour, because the structure is such that it always create a shadow.
