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Analisi del soleggiamento_Via Aristofane 11_ Casalpalocco_Roma

I analized the influence of Sun on my building with the Vasari Programme.

At the beginning you need to select the address of your project (my house, in this case) and to draw the volume of the building. In this part of the study the building are not so defined because we are not interested in the architecture of them, but  in their exposition to the Sun.

Now that the buildings are done, with the command SUN SETTING, we can decide time and day of the study and see how shadows and lights "hit" the building.

I've controlled shadows at 11 2o and 15 20 of the 15/03/14.

Since my building is tall in comparison with the building around, and is located quite alone, the only element that make shadows on it is the building itself. 

My apartmente oriented South-West, so it?s complitely illuminated during the morning (like you can see from the model).

I was interested in looking at the difference of the shadows during the year, so I run the programme to find how shadows were during summer and winter solstice and autumn equinox. 



Allegra, sai chi è Mario De Renzi?
La tua torre ricorda alcune sue opere... prodotte proprio a Roma!
Ma con proporzioni diverse...

nel tuo post non ci sono conclusioni, solo un interesse generico per le stagioni (pur valido, in astratto)
né un confronto, che sembra abbastanza naturale,
tra le facciate, che sono esattamente identiche ma su orientamenti diversi!
Noti differenze?

saluti, S.C.