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Lab_6 Es_1 - Via Francesco Saverio Monticelli - Giorgia Cecconi

My building is situated in Via Francesco Saverio Monticelli, in a neighborhood in South Rome called Falcognana.

For the study of the shadows I opened the program Vasari and, after changing the units system to metres, I selected my location and the weather station.

Next I imported the site image and, using the commands “create mass” and “line”, I stared to trace the outline of the buildings.

Then I used the command “Modify” to create the solids. 

I turned the Solar Path and Shadows’ icons on, and then I choose my point of view by using the camera.


Analysis: 14-03-2014

a) 8:30 am  



The building next to my house, like many others in my neighborhood, is a 2 storey house so it does not create very long shadows on the South East façade. On the other hand in the morning the South West façade is mostly shaded.


b) 12:30 pm


Looking at the render it seems like the sun hits both façades completely but in the photo you can see a bit of shadow created by the balcony and the roof.


c) 15:20 pm 


In the afternoon the sun hits the South West façade while the South East one is shaded.


d) 17:00 pm 


The sun is setting so the light is fading even on the South West façade


Conclusion: The building manage to receive a good amount of light during all day, especially rooms like the kitchen and the living room, which have openings on the South East and South West façades. Even in the summer there is not too much light thanks to the shadows created by the balcony.
