Tu sei qui


Hi everybody!
In this first delivery we'll study how the sun path can affect building's efficiency.

As an example I'll calculate the sun path during the last weekend on my seaside home.
Usually, a house like this is used primarily during summer time, consequently the cooling of the interior is our main goal.
Let's get to the area!

We are located near the Argentario, on the border between Lazio and Toscana.

Localita` Costa Selvaggia B (VT)

To analyse the shadows, we were advised to use Vasari. Through the software, we can shape the building.

Now we can go to analyse the shadows during different time of the day. My house is oriented North-East


Here it`s 7.30 am and the northwest facade is completely in the dark. The northEast facade is partially darkened by the building in front of it.


At noon, both the facades are in the dark. In this season, the sun path is less high than in summer, so the cast shadow is bigger.
In summer we`d have a shadow like this:

In summer we still have the shadow core on both the facades, but the cast shadow, as we said, is shorter.

3 pm Now the North West facade is lightened. Comparing those two images we notice that while in the model the facade is completely enlightened, in the picture there`s still a part of it darkened by the roof overhang. So by putting an overhang, we can have a longer shadow on the northwest facade, which is important for the summer time. In fact, the more a wall is shaded, especially one oriented to West, the less the house will warm and the less energy we'll spend to cool it.

6 pm Now the North west facade is completely enlightened. At this time of the day the air is fresh and I can see a beautiful sunset from here;)
Good evening!