Open Autodesk Vasari, create a new document, I click on 'Projects units' and change the units of measure.
I select the study area by clicking on the 'Set Location' and 'Import Site Image'.
To have a better view I select 'Orthographic view'.
To create surfaces I select 'Create Mass', select the 'Line' tool in the 'Draw' box and start creating the outline of the buildings.
I adjust the height of the building, than I select the 'Finish Mass'.
At this point active 'Sun Path On' and 'Shadows On' by setting the preferred time.
Using the command 'Camera' I can select the most useful views for my analysis.
The building is located in the eleventh City Hall, in front of Via Pietro Frattini. The building consists of 4 floors and is characterized by balconies linking him to the building mate. The surrounding buildings are arranged at such a distance that does not shade the building during the entire day. The building is surrounded by many trees, which provide shade the facade facing east during the early part of the morning. The front facing south-west not present any kind of obstacle and has full lighting in the second part of the day, for this reason it is partially shielded by trees.
It can be argued that the only shadowing is produced from its balconies.
The quality of light is very valuable, both to the comfort level inside the house but also at the level of enjoyment of outdoor spaces, for that reason the balconies have sizable.
The study was performed in two different times of day, at 10:00 and at 17:30 on 14/03/2014
First case: 10:00

North east facade
As you can see, the entire facade is fully sunny although the trees and balconies create some shadows

West facade:
In this phase of the day this facade is completely shaded

Second case: 17:30

In this case, I analyzed only the western facade that is totally sunny, because I thought unnecessary analyze the opposite because is totally shaded.