Tu sei qui

ES2_lab6B_piazza volsinio_Analisi Solare

I follow the instruction given and create the images to study how sun impact on my home. I start with the file used before than I create a new one and add the buildings around mine.

I found interesting noticing how the disposition of the building create a low solar impact on the area. In my block there are shadows and low solar impact quite often. The area beetween my building and its twins is always the darker one. From the first four pictures I publish you now see chages from spring equinox to winter solstice.The area is well protected during summer because of the distribuition of the quarter. It might have cool heat in spring and autumn for its geometry. Problems came up during winter. In january sometimes happens to have ice in the square despite of being located in the city centre.

 I also study how change the impact during the day plus in different months. On the north side of the block not matter wich period is, there is always a low solar impact like in the middle of the block unless is summer at midday. 

Turning out the differences between 6 january at 9 am and 6 august at 1 pm reveals the commons and the equals. As before said some parts always have low solar impact. The place in front of the block works like a heat-island during summer and gives out some heat in winter. The extremised situation shows also that terrace or garden receive solar radiation during the day but keeps on having shadows and coolness in common courtyards. 

I also thought studying how changes solar radiation in a day in different time would have been interesting. So I made on the 21 march at 7 am, 11 am, 2 pm, 5 pm. After have selected the building where I live, I create some shapes like balcony on it by  clicking on Set and Pick a plane and Create a new mass. Studying solar radiation, the impact and adding the shadows create really beautiful and powerful images also more complete in analysis.

 At 7 o'clock in the morning the sun make long low shadows on the block and on a plane balconies have different solar radiation's colors. Color changes because of the plane position under the sun. At 11 am the radiation creates a playful board on planes. The balconies become important elements in the study because they turn up a huge changing. The solar analysis reveal that shadows are a big cause of the results I have had, you notice watching the inside court. At 2 in the afternoon there are two principal solar radiation, one on the roofs and one on the buildings' planes. The solar impact on streets around follows the geometry of the block and shadows underline that form. At 5 o'clock in the evening part of the block is lighten up by the sun and solar radiation change with the orientation. Elements on the building create different analysis. In the end I analyze again the opposite situation on summer and winter solstice at midday. The lower part of the building is always the coolest one and the inclination of the sun influences the shadows in the first place but also the overheating on facades. The balconies have different solar radiations from the top to the ground in different ways and the square and the streets have really different solar impact.





I believe using images in the post (or adding text on top of images)
would really help. Don't forget, Alice, that HOW you actually compose
and write the post is a big part of our assignment.

How balconies change color... etc
There are a lot of interesting parts of your text, but you have to add photos
and put them into the text. Images also don't show what kind of analysis you are doing.

work on it, you are still on time!


and change titles!