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Solar Radiation Analysis_Casalpalocco_Roma

For the second exercise I studied the exposition of my building to solar radiation, considering not only the pure volume but all the elements that influenced the study, like balconies, roof..

I decided to make the study on winter time and on summer time, because I think  these are the most critic period, for what concern the control of light and heat.

North elevation - Winter time


North Elevation - Summer time

We can see that North elevation is definately disadvantaged, it never has direct sun, not even during summer. But event if this elevation has such a bad exposition, it does not show much elements of deterioration, we don't see wet spot or ruined plaster. I think this is becouse the irradiation of the facade, even if low, is uniform, so it doesn't create irregular zones. 


The South west facade is surely the most weel-exposed. 

We can see that it has definately a great quantity of light and heat during winter, although it isn't too exposed during summer.  

South-West elevation   Winter time


South-West elevation  Summer time
