First of all, I'm sorry for having delivered late but the autodesk server won't let me install Vasari and I don't understand why. I cannot fix the problem so I've worked late on a collague's pc after he has delivered his work.
I've worked on my previous model adding important details for the solar analysis. I focused my attenction on modeling the main facade and the inner court.
In facade I've added only the most important details that could really ifluence the analysis like balconies an the empty spaces. To create empty spaces in the volume first I've selected the volume and worked on its surface.With the "line tool" I drew the profile of the surface I need to extrude and then I used "create form" in the form box and then"void form" comand.
In the court I've added new blocks that could simulate the real disposition of the volumes and create the entrance to the buildings with the "void comand".ANALYSIS:
I performed my analysis in each season studying the cumulative radiation from sunrise to sunset to make a comparison and verify some common aspects.
Spring analysis:
In Spring we have the main facade expsosed to N-W that is pratically never enlightened except in the last hours of the afternoon; so the main facade is mostly cold and wet. Only the last floor receive a little bit of radiations. Different is the situation of the roofs that are always reached by the Sun. The inner court in this months receive a lot of radiation but the deeper areas are shadowed by sorrounding buildings and so we have a similar situation of the main facade.
Summer analysis:
We can see in summer the situation is pretty similar that in spring. The KWh/m² values are higher because temperature is warmer and the daily solar radiation lasts longer.
Autumn analysis:
In autumn the situation begins to be more critical because weather gets colder and the sun is low in the sky. So the main facade is never enlightened and is very cold. The inner court receive only morning light but is mainly wet and cold.
Winter analysis:
Obviously in winter the situation is the worst. We have very low Kwh/m² values and all the building is very cold
After making the solar radiation analysis I've decided to make a comparison with the real situation to verify if there were evidences of the bad irradiation of my building.
The court:
I started point out the attention on the three deepest areas in the court that aren't reached by solar rays and so are wet and cold for most of the year. We can clearly see how this bad irradiation allowed the formation of natural vegetation on the floor and on the roofs, and moss on the walls. Big and clear are the wet spots too!!
The entrance:
One of the deepest part of the court is the entrance that I've analysed in datail with some pictures. The situation is the same with clear growing of moss on the roof and on the base of the wall. The ceiling of the entrance is really damaged by moisture. For this situations the entrance to the building is not very inviting and requires constant mantenance.
The main facade:
At last we can see on the main facade similar damaged caused by tha bad irradiation. The plaster is very ruined. The ceiling of the balconies present a lot of wet spots and the sidewall of the near building is really dirty and ruined because is never reached by the Sun
The solar radiation analysis has confirmed the shadows analysis results. The main facade is exposed to N-W and is pratically never enlightened except in the last hours of the afternoon; so it's very cold and wet. On this side we have two bedroom that are very cold in winter because they are never reached by direct rays of the sun, while are hot in summer because we live at the last floor and we don't have any kind of shielding. So is not so confortable to live in this rooms and we spend a lot of money with radiators in winter and air conditioners in summer.
In the S-E facade,watching in the court, the situation is slightly different because we receive direct sunlight in the morning so the environments are warmer and more confortable.Is not a big advantage because in this side there are the bathroom and the kitchen who are the less experienced rooms. Only one bedroom is exposed to S-E and receive a perfect light in the morning and requires less electricity consumption for climatization.