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Es_02_Lab06_Solar Radiation_Via Aldo Banzi 101_Elena Macciocca

In this second exercise I used the composition of my building done for the first one but, this time, I enriched the palace with the system of balcony that strongly characterized the building elevation. I chose to analyze the solar radiation in two period of the year: the first one during all the summer season (from 21/06 to 22/09), and the second one during the winter period (from 22/12 to 21/03).

Winter Period

As we can see from the first picture the roof of the building is orange because is constantly heated by the sun. I think this is not a bad thing for the Winter period, infact the flats on the highest floor should have a good temperature inside. The SW prospect is orange as well: this is good for my sister who sleeps in that side of the house. As we can see from the second picture the SE prospect is red (except for a few small blue spots) wich is quite good for my kitchen and my parent's room, that are not the coldest rooms on the house. The critical is the NW prospect, almost blue, making all the rooms much cooler than necessary. The balconies close the SW side are quite hot than the other one, but anyway they are not affected by solar radioation at all. This is not good for my living room and my bedroom, infact in the winter my room is always the coldest.

Summer Period

The situation is not different for the NW prospect, always blue, but this time me and my living room enjoy the most favorable condition than the rest of the house. The roof is completely yellow and this is the worse thing for the highest floor. The SW side is purple, so my sister's bedroom is the hottest one in the house but still remains fresh in the summer. Finally the SE prospest is almost blue, so the kitchen and my parent's room are fresh as well.

In the end I can say that I'm happy of my house, except in Winter, because the rooms most used by me are the coldest ever.
