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Lab_6 2_ES Solar Radiation_Assisi Street (Rome)_GiacomoNicolò (NEW)

Before studying solar radiation I analyzed again my building in order to find out all the architectural elements which could affect the results. In this case the only relevant ones are the balconies, which characterize three of the six façades, and the cornice at the top of it,  as you can see from the photo below,  since the building shape is very simple and compact. 

 So I added some details to the previous volume together with the base to look over the solar radiation on the ground as well.  I examined the results of the winter period (21-12-2014/21-03-2015) and the summer one (21-06-2014/22-09-2014). As analyzed in the first study, the building shows two completely different situation: the south side is well illuminated and warm,  especially the one which looks over Tuscolana street,  thanks to the distance from the opposite building due to the width of the street; instead the north ones is colder and in shadow, without huge differences between winter and summer, because of its own exposition and its shape: the blind façade projects its shadow on the windowed one.


In winter the highest radiation is 116.9 kWh/mq reached on the roof (in yellow), but also the last floors of the south-east and south-west façades receive a quite high solar radiation (in orange/red). Instead the lower floors looking at Assisi street and all the north façades are very cold because in shadow (in blue/purple).



In summer the highest radiation reaches 410.7 kWh/mq always on the roof but even all the south-west façade is extremely irradiated (yellow and orange). Even though the apartments having rooms looking at Tuscolana street are the hottest ones,  air conditioning could be avoided creating natural ventilation, thanks to the rooms which look at north. On the contrary the south-east façade is less exposed and cooler (from blue to red) and the north façades keep being completely blue.


My apartment is located on the 7th floor and, as we can see from the solar study I did,  the rooms of the south-east side ,the one  looking at Assisi street (two bedroom, the living room and the kitchen with a terrace), are well irradiated in winter so that they are bright, warmed by the sun and comfortable especially in the morning. In the afternoon,  instead,  these rooms aren’t directly lit up but they receive some indirect light from the building standing on the opposite side. On the other hand the study shows how in summer this side of the apartment is not so strongly irradiated, this means that it won’t be too much hot. Finally we can see that the north-west side is always blue colored, this confirms that it’s extremely low irradiated, colder in both seasons (good in summer but less in winter) and generally darker than the other one, being always illuminated indirectly.

view from the kitchen ( south-east side of the apartment - 31/03/2014 - h.11.00 a.m)



view from a bedroom (south-east side 31/03/2014 - h.11.00 a.m)



view from a bedroom (31/03/2014 - h 6.30 p. m)



entry (light from the north-west side window - 31/03/2014 - h 11 a.m)



entry (indirect light from the north-west side - 31/03/2014 - h 11 a. m)



The north façades  are interested by  some phenomena due to humidity like the deterioration of the external parget. 




Bravo Giacomo,

molto interessanti le foto!

La qualità e tipo della luce cambia davvero molto,
è interessante e anche da approfondire, soprattutto
in chiave progettuale.

Puoi evidenziare la posizione delle finestre nella foto
esterna e nei rendering?

un saluto,


Grazie professore,

certamente seguirò il suo consiglio.

Cordiali saluti