In Lab 6. we were divided, by professor Andrea Vidotto, in groups of 6/8 people in order to design a master plan of the area. The area is located in Terni, besides Villaggio Matteotti, a famous district of Terni designed by architect Giancarlo de Carlo. Villaggio Matteotti is famous for his concept of social housing, and participated architecture. It is a brilliant example of architecture for housing. The client was the iron factory “La Terni” that needed a new district for its employees to live in.
Vasari’s Modeling
I. Concept
In the picture the red line rapresent the border of the project area. The Blue one the streets that we have to mantain from the PRG.
As we can see in the picture we decided to design 3 buildings in order to host the 80 houses that were commissioned to us. This buildings are very different one from other and have a different way to distribute to the houses. The bigger ones are “a ballatoio” (1,2) and the smaller one (3) is a terrazze. The main idea was to have independent houses that had a little area in common with everyone. The first thing that we had to deal with is the exposition, our area is isolated and doesn’t have any buildings that affects it with its shadow so we had to design an architecture that could relate on his own with the solar radiation. Builings 1 and 2 are related by a ballatoio, that connected them, in which measueres is stil to decide, but we think that at least on the third floor there is a ballatoio in common between the 2 builidngs. Bulidng number 1 is the most troublesome regarding its exposure to the south. Infact the South-West facade we think could be sheltered by a second skin of movable panels that besides covering the facade by the heating could also give an architectural identity to the building. Building number 3 was designed to funcion as a series of little houses that have their own garden. Each floor has a little "street"in front of the garden that connects every house. The gardens have a good exposure south west, so that in the summer and in the sunny winter days it could be a pleasure to spend time in the gardens. We also think that since each garden have some trees in summer the south facade is weel coverd. Following some sketche and the solar analisis that we did.
Schizzi di progetto degli edifici.
Summer Solstice, Shadow Analisis
Winter Solstice, Shadow Analisis
Summer Solstice, Solar Analisis
Summer Solstice, Solar Analisis
Winter Solstice, Solar Analisis
Winter Solstice Solar Analisis
As you can see in the Shedule picture we change the name of the masses (see the bar on the right) and we define them in the chart.
Pictures of the Volumetric plastic, on the left building number 3 and on the right the connection between building 1 and 2
From the analisis we can see that our concerns were correct. The South West prospect of the builidng 1-2 in the summer need to have something to cover them or the impact of the builidng would be too much. We have to think that if every family needs an air condiotioner during the summer the electrical consume and the eco-impact of the building wold be way too much. If we think of a second skin maybe with the chimney effect this could help the cooling of the houses. We thought that the colour of the prospect would be bright yellow, instead is red, that's a good thing probably this is due to the different atlituted of Terni in comparison to Rome.The north prospect is not problematic in summer, is cooler than any other prospect and helps a lot to have a good standard of living in the rooms on that side of the building. The roofs are bright yellow and we think that a good way to help the impact of the sun could be a Green Roof or a Garden roof that could be used as a private green space for the inhabitants of the buildings. Building number 3 we think is in a no problem zone. The South Prospect in the summer is coverd by the tree in the garden and in the winter when the leaves of trees fall down the prospect isn't coverd anymore and the little sun that there is in the winter can heath the houses. The north prospect we think could be use to host the bedrooms. In winter every building in the area has problems on the north facade, we still have to think a way to solve them.
II. Concept
The second design is the one that we think we are not going to adopt. Besides the architecture that we think is not as interesting as the first one that we presented before, we think that also the way it relates to the sun is not as good. We decided to design 3 buildings as before, two of them should have worked with the ballatoio to distribute the people to the houses and one "in linea". The exposition of the building was not ideal, as we can see in the picture below.
Summer Solar Study
Winter Solar Study
As we can see in the pictures all the prospect exposed to south-west are way too much heated. The difference beteween this concept and the first one is that in this one every building would need a second skin to cover a little bit from the sun. In winter the same prospect are in a good condition, well heated. In summer all the roofs are too much hot and there wuold be a need of a green roof or a roof garden that could protect the last floors somehow. We think that the spaces that this builidings create are less confortable than the other ones. We think that in some way in the first concept the spaces that we created especially in building number 3 there is something more in common with the context, meaning Villaggio Matteotti. This one was born instead from an idea of grid that divided the area. Also as the professor said at revision the second concept doesn't let the building "talk" to each other as well as the first one. There is a need of contact between them.