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LAB_6 ES_3 Prof. Palmieri_Via del Porto Fluviale GRONDONA_LARCINESE

Our project area is located in Via del Porto Fluviale in Rome near our university. There is an interesting area because of the industrial buildings that has or has not reuse during the year. On the north side of the area there is the railway line over the main street, on the south there are the costum river houses,  on the east there is a warehouse and on the west side there is the firestation. 

Our theme is creating new residences and commercial store in the red underline area. The area has a trapezoid form and during escavation works a Roman nechropolis has been found 3.5 meters behind the surface, this provided a limited use of the area. There is always an old small buildings used before as warehouse, now is abandoned. 

Our project area is located in Via del Porto Fluviale in Rome near our university. There is an interesting area because of the industrial buildings that has or has not reuse during the year. On the north side of the area there is the railway line over the main street, on the south there are the costum river houses,  on the east there is a warehouse and on the west side there is the firestation.

The project has to include:

2800 mq h=3m 8400 mc of residences

500 mq h=3.5m 1750 mc of shops/ateliers

3300 mq 10150 mc total.

Residences have to be divided in:

8 apartments by 100 mq

10 apartments by 75 mq

10 apartments by 50 mq

10 apartments by 35 mq

10 apartments by 25 mq, for young singles and aged people, should add 150 mq of services.

The project is been elaborated now so we have just thought about a concept and the building volumes. The principal ideas are two: one is to create a very easy form that can be placed in the area without changing it at all, the other is to work with volumes and modeling residences with a distinctive exterior design.

The first two volumes are taller to contain all the apartments requested and create dialogue one with the other. The solar radiation underline the clean volume of the surface and the orientation. Those big blocks create also a melting pot of habitants, the family status and the apartments meters are not the gap to made decision on. The shops are located on the floor level and the parking area is under the two buildings. All the unconstructed area is a big green local park for families, students, aged people etc.

The second hypothesis has more different volumes. Those volumes create like a weave where the area is surround and partially close but walking inside is allowed. The shops are on the ground floor and parking area is in the basement. The shadows study that has been made is very interesting and made us changing some small things.

In both the mass schedules there are the surfaces and volumes of all the building make and in the surroundings.



..it seems.
Description is purely urban-based.
it's not clear how solar analysis might affect your project hypotheses!

lazy post, for now.