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Project area's planimetry:

area A_supposed to be equipped with services (shops etc)

zone A'_supposed to be a residental area:the typology of courtyard

zone B_supposed to be a residental area:the typology in line

Both areas (A'+B) must have ca. 80 accomodation/typology.Area A is devidedfrom area B by a street (foresaw by Terni's PRG). This area is located close to the buildings of Villaggio Matteotti of Giancarlo De Carlo: a complex of residences for workers of Terni steelworks.

Our first idea was to mantain the orientation of the Villaggio Matteotti for the courtyard, and for the remaining buildings (zone B), they are disposed according to the lot and of the solar radiation.

step 1: download location through google maps

step2:modify units (meters)

step3:modify the levels (ground floor, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor etc)

step4: drawing the buildings

step 5: calculation of values (surface, area,nr. accomodations etcs)

step 6: solar radiation 

About the two posted proposals:

1st. The zone A is formed by a courtyard  like a ' C' open to S-E, so that the centre of the courtyard is most of the time illuminated by the sun. That means that one side of the building (interior side) has a south,south-ovest and a north-est exposition. And the exterior facades of the courtyard has a north,  and north-est and south-ovest exposition.About zone B, the buildings are lined in the same direction of Villaggio Matteotti with an exposition of the long facades to north-est and south-west. This is the best orientation for residential building, so that also the space between the buildings is mostly illuminated by the dailylight.

2nd. In our 2nd proposal the disposition of the building in zone B is the same as the buildings in the 1st proposal. The courtyard is slightly tighter than that in the 1st proposal and has a building more, one parallel to the building in line of zone B. But the courtyard is formed by two different building 'L' This disposition works good as the first one.What really matters is the height of the building-we just think that the building should have not more than 4 floors.
