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Quercus Ilex - Leccio - Vegetation Analisys

Quercus Ilex - Leccio
The holm oak (Quescus Ilex) has thick hair and round and very slender trunk, covered with gray bark. 
The leaves on the branches that persist for three to four years, are different from one another even on the same plant, leathery, glossy top and plenty of hairy on the underside, with margin entire or denticulate and thorny. It flowers in May and the male and female flowers are present on the same plant. The fruits are ovoid acorns. 
In the Mediterranean holm oak can be as high as 28m and form woods. 
Exposure: the holm oak is a hardy plant that prefers sunny locations and bright. Do not fear cold weather and even the winds, for the land has no special needs.
P.S: egg on a stick!
Binary Data Leccio1.rfa320 KB


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