For the tree parametric modeling I choose an example of Prunus Pissardi. Its origin is in the Balkan Peninsula, it can reach 8 metres in height and it can be present like a shrub or like a small tree. The Prunus Pissardi is distinguished by its foliage: it can be really thick, its leaves are oval or elliptical shaped, while the coloring is red purple. The Prunus flowering generally occurs in the spring and the visual effect is spectacular, thanks to the pink-white flowers. In terms instead of fruits, Prunus produces red berries around July. This tree prefers temperate climates, this is the reason why central Italy is very well suited to the cultivation of this species.
Prunus Pissardi
Prunus flowering
Prunus berries
In order to realize a plausible model of tree considered, I obtained the necessary data putting in scale a picture, after measuring the diameter of the trunk of about 15 cm.
Start Vasari and create a new family. Set the measure units in metric.
Rename Layer 1 in “Trunk base". Create the next levels, set their height and rename them.
Draw a circumference for the base of the trunk at the level “Trunk base”, then change the measure of the circumference, dimension it and add the parameter "trunk diameter" from "label".
Shape the trunk of the tree and draw the circumference of the base of the canopy, aligning one over the other. Then draw circumferences also at levels: “tree canopy base”, “maximum diameter of the canopy” and “top of the canopy” and align them to each relative level using the command "Align" and closing the lock.
Assign a parameter to all circumferences to adjust the relative diameter: select the profile of the circumference, assign the diameter measure, then click on “label” and add the parameter. Use the same procedure to parameterize the height of the circumferences.
Draw a vertical line and align it to the circumferences and to a vertical plane. In “Properties” tick “Is Reference Line” in “Identity Data” . Now select the circumferences and Create Mass to shape the canopy.
Allegato | Dimensione |
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