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Lab_6B ES_4, Modellazione Albero_Pino Domestico_Luca Trulli

Stone pine or pine - Pinus pinea 
Classification, origin and spread 
Division: Spermatophyta Subdivision 
: Gymnospermae 
 Class: coniferae 
 Family: Pinaceae 
Also known as the Stone pine, is a tall tree up to 30 meters and a maximum diameter of about 2 meters. Native to the Mediterranean coast, is widespread in Italy (from Lauretum to subzone hot Castanetum).

                                 Pino domestico o Pino da pinoli




 Tronco di Pino domestico o Pino da pinoli (foto www.agraria.org)

General Characteristics
Size and poise
Grows up to 30 meters. Feature its umbrella-shaped foliage , formed by branches that are concentrated in the upper part of the trunk ending with the tips pointing upwards. Trunk and bark Trunk
law and often bifurcated in old trees at a certain height . Bark gray and finely wrinkled at first , then deeply furrowed gray- brown plaques .
Leaves Long needles from 12 to 15 cm , rigid, bright green , pungent apex. At the base are wrapped in a transparent sheath and persistent.
male reproductive structures Cones numerous , small, yellow at the base of the branches of the year. Female cones , small and rounded first , then heavy globular and 10-12 cm in diameter , first green , then red - brown at maturity (after you years). The scales each contain two seeds from woody woody shell ( pine nuts) .
The main use of domestic pine in antiquity was the production of pine nuts that were a very important basis of human nutrition. To this has been widely used for the planting of pine forests along the coastal areas , even where the climate is not optimal for the species ( pine northern Adriatic ) .
silvicultural aspects
Silvicultural aspects of this pine differ depending on the destination . A reforestation with non-production functions , which is generally of a high density , with plants that tend to ramosità . In the pine forests from pine nuts , however, the density is much lower , ranging from 100 to 200 trees per hectare . The density affects the duration of the pine forest , pine forests denser allow you to have immediate collected more abundant, but anticipated decline. Pine forests sparser allow a greater duration of production . The overall shift of a pine forest by pine can reach 100-120 years, after a flush cut is made and the consequent artificial regeneration . Also important is the aesthetic function - ornamental species is characteristic of different Italian geographical areas , especially maritime .

As we can see the pine I found on the side of a road, the measures are about 18 m in height to a maximum diameter of the canopy of approximately 15 m.

 I started Vasari cradle and I created a new family; fact quiesto will open a new window, where we will select the folder Conceptual Mass Mass.once the file is opened the first things to do are those of the main plot units, particularly those of reference for my tree. The next step is to position yourself on the first level +0.00 and draw the circumference of the trunk; After, go to Model> Dimension> Radial dimension and set the share of the radius of the circle. With the command Modify> Modify> Align with this command we can align the circumference to the level set.

then we go on Model> Family types where under the heading Paramenters click on the Add .. 
Now we set the values ​​for the circles that we are going to draw and to the heights of the tree. I do not confuse me for I called H values ​​of heights and diameters R, I realized this after I had to reset the measures that were double. 
however, set these values ​​we can begin to draw circles on various levels.
in this picture we can see the circles positioned on the various Plan. 
to see all the circles you have to change the view.
in this publication are still only see the lines. the thing that I wanted to show the different planes are behind where they are then set to the parties that will create the tree.
this step instead allows us to measure the diameters of all, here I was not aware of the initial error, and above all allows us to associate our lines to those values ​​that we set before in the family. 
clicking on the value of each line you open a box that allows you to associate all.
once that is done, simply select the parts of the tree then the circumference of the trunk before and after the canopy. 
go to Modify | Form> Create Form> Solid Form 
once carefully selected components and rimodificando view the result is this.


now we take the new tree and insert it in the "old" model homes but with the trees still undefined and making this substitution we see the changes that I make. 
below I took the house in exact analysis into two periods of the year. 
the 04.27.2014 and 09.21.2014. 
observe the incision of the shadows of the house.