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Es_4 Parametric "Prunus Cerasifera"

Tree: Genus and Species
Start the exercise choosig the type of tree you want to model.
I'm going to create a family of mass that I can put inside a model, so I choose a type of tree that I'll use in my project: the "prunus cerasifera".
The species of Prunus called "cerasifera" is widespread in Rome, typically along the streets.
Genus : Prunus, Species: cerasifera
At first take a picture of the tree and work on the picture.
I've found inside the form different elements which I will use as a reference:
ground, base and top of the trunk and the foliage.
The dimentions are signed inside the picture you can see below:
The  dimentions are not the true ones, but comes from an observation of the picture.
What's important is the right propotion between the different elements.
Thanks to the parametric tecnique we can give a relation between each part, so the dimentions are not so important as the parameter we give to the forms.
How to create a family
The first step is opening a "new conceptual mass" in Vasari.
We wouldn't see the comand "New Mass" beacuse we are only creating masses belonging to a unique family. All the solid and void forms are part of the "concetual mass" of the family.
Form: references and parameters
At the beginning we set the plans we will work on: creating different levels, renaming and giving the dimentions of each one.
So we start with the first form: a circle for the base of the trunk.
To create each form is required to pay attenction to the plan (give the comand "set" and click the level you want to work on, to set the right one). 
Once you have fixed it, you can create a form without caring about the dimention or the position: this are comands that you can give and easely control after.
Created and positioned the circle in the middle of the plane with the right radius dimention,you can proceed creating the parameter.
In the Family's properties window you can "Add" a new parameter, giving the name of what it rapresent, "base trunk" in this case.
To create the reference between the parameter and our circle we have to mesure the circle form with the comand "Radius dimention" and modify the number we will see on it. So we give the reference of the added parameter ("base of the trunk" for ex.) using the "Label" botton on the menu at the top of the window.
We have gived a basic plane form, now we have to create the reference for the height of this element.
Start crating a line referred to one of the vertical plans and positioned in the middle of the circle (in the origin of the plane): using the comand "align" for the base and the top of the line we create a vertical reference with the levels giving the dimentions of the trunk-height. (click on the loker to close it: the reference is created and locked).
Notice that you first have to click the level, than the reference point at the end/beginning of the line.
Click on the lines (you can put in evidence both the circle and the line using the "ctrl" botton) and give the comand "create form" - "solid form".
We have obtained the trunk.
Proceeding in the same way (creating circles in each level, adding parameter and creating new references) and generate the form of the foliage.
The family is created.
We can observe the tree inside the contest, using the localization and the activation of the shadows.
Why it's usefull
Chaninging the mesures of the parameters we can modify the form and generate different type of the same tree,
or in my case giving more truly dimentions modify even the height of the levels!
What I have't undestrood is the reason why the form is not changed in a "parametric" way.. The level has determined a different height of the tree..
but the change in the parameter mesures hasn't brought a modify in the form!
 What was wrong??
Binary Data Familyparam.rfa344 KB