Tu sei qui

Lab_6-Esame_Alessandra Haas_Tina Tezarek


The area is at Terni a city between Rome and Perugia in the region of Umbria.

Some important data to consider:

Latitude: 42°34′N

Longitude : 12°39′E

Altidude: 118m



Temperatures : in summer the temperatures  is around 31,3 C° and in winter it is non particullary cold with temperatures  around 3,3 C° and it snows not very often.

Precipitation : the rainfall regim of the city is tipical for mediterian area. In the autum months there are more frequente rainfalls. In summer instead is the dryest periode of the year.

Wind : the wind regim is influenced by the “conca ternana” the winds have an orientation from nord-east to south west along the near river Nera. The most frequent velocity of the wind is the breeze (from 1 to 5 km/h)


Our project consists out of two courtyards fittet together .

The buildings in the northern direction are 4 stories high while the other buildings are 3 storeys high. The building is on differnt quotes in this way it is possible to creat an undergroung parkingspace under the second courtyard.

The roof has been designed as a ligh stucture detached allowing the use of the space below for the community




picture 1: summer solstice  10 a.m


picture2: summer solstice 12 a. m.


Picture 3: summer solstice 3 p.m.


Picture 4: winter solstice 10 a.m.


Picture 5: winter solstice 12 a.m.


Picture 6: winter solstice 3 p.m.


Picture 7: detail summer solstice 10 a.m.


From the study of the shadows it is easy to see that we never have a problam of overshadowing inside the cortyard as the buildings in the south are smaller (9m) than the buildings in the north (12 m) so the sunlight enters in the cortyart nearly all day long.

During the designprocess we took also in consideration the small existing houses locaded around our area.

We can see that even when the sun has the lowerst position in the winter solstice at 3 p.m. The shadows of our building do not reach the surrounding buildings.

The roof form we chose to cover on one hand the builing not directly over the last story so that during the summertime it wont get to hot in those apartments  and on the other hand we made the roof jutting out so that the shadow can cover also the gallery below.




Picture 8: solar radiation summer solstice


Picture 9: solar radiation winter solstice



Picture 10: solar radiation summer solstice


From the solar radiation we can see that the roof will be the part that absorbs most solar radiation.

analising the effect of the roof for the solar radiation we can see that due to the fact that it is on directly on the last storey  will help that it wont het too hot in the apartments on the last storey. Because the sun is not radiating directly on the top of the ceiling.





Due to the fact that the roof of our buildings has two different inclinations and the buildings are rotaded, every rooftop receives another amount of solar radiation.

This leaded us to the idea to install solar panels on the roof top.

So we made a cumulative analysis for one year and  we saw that the surfaces facing the south and the east received the higherst amount of solar radiation.



After that we analysed every single surface on which we desided to install solar panels.

  • The first building has a solar radiation between 1065600 and 988121 Wh/m2 a year
  • The second building has a solar radiation between 10778100 and 10691200 Wh/m2 a year
  • The third building has a solar radiation between 993433 and 989840 Wh/m2 a year
  • The fourth building has a solar radiation between 10182300 and 1016400 Wh/m2 a year
  • The fifth building has a solar radiation between 10442100 and 10395300 Wh/m2 a year
  • The sixth building has a solar radiation between 10398100 and 10214900 Wh/m2 a year

Unfortunately at this point in our designingprocess we do not have the exact position of the window yet so we weren't able to analise the solor radiation on the windows.
