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Prima esercitazione E.M. Rossi - R. Mazza


VASARI: First steps

First of all you need to set the ground from the map. Just click analyze on the command-bar , go to location and put the adress. After  click import. With the model-line command you create a closed shape that you have to extrude to have a solid figure on the map. On the side of the solid you will find the length. If you want to modify this length you have to click twice on it and put the right amount. If you want to change the unit you have to click manage_project-unit on the command-bar and put the right units. After that you need to set the light. Click on manange_sun-settings and choose your options.

Per mancata attivazione dell'account, Roberto Mazza effettua la consegna del lavoro che abbiamo svolto insieme in questo post.



go to the ground and check with "real shadows"!