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Raffaella Cristiano_Prima Consegna_ Lab.Prog.

Few procedures to set Project Vasari and basic skills to work with.

After you download and save Project Vasari, launch it and make sure your settings are right. Click manage and then project units and specify units of measure, the precision and the appropriate symbol for the units you're using.

Then, to import the site map go on analyze and then location, fill in the line 'project address' and select the nearest weather station to the project area; then zoom in your site and click on import site image.

Select create mass and line (draw) and draw the base of the building. Select create form ----> solid form, then drag the scroll arrow until they're correct, or click on the numbers of lenght, height and width and insert measures. When you're done click finish mass.

To control sun path and the the shadows click -in the bar 'perspective'- sun path on (and sun settings to control them) and set day and hour; then click shadows on. So you can observe where and when the building will be lighted and heated by the sun.

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