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How to create an Energy Model in Project Vasari


Once you've created the Mass of your building (with Revit or Project Vasari) and you've divided it in floors, you have to define the Location, as you do it in Revit.

Now you are ready to create the Energy Model of your building: click on Enable Energy Model and then on Energy Settings to define the characteristics of your building that Project Vasari will use for its Energy Analysis.

As you can see in the video, in the Energy Settings' window you have a lot of parameters to define. Let's see the ones are most important for the Energy Model:



Building type: you define what type of building you are working on. This parameter affects several parts of the analysis, for instance the number of people that will use the building (and then the values about the External Air depends on this). Obviously different type of buildings have different needs.


Conceptual Constructions: you can define approximately the characteristics of Walls, Roof, Floors and so on, and in particular the Insulation you want to use. 


Target Percentage Glazing: you define the Percentage of Glazing you want in your building. Project Vasari's Energy Model doesn't care about shape!


Glazing is Shaded: if you designed Shades for your windows, tick this option and then you can define the dimensions of the Shades with Shade Depth.


Target Percentage Skylights: it works as for the Glazing. Then you can define how your Skylights are with Skylight Width & Depth.


Building Operating Schedule: define how the building works in term of time. It depends on the type of your building, of course.


HVAC System: you can choose what HVAC System you want to use for your building. It's easy to understand that this parameter affects seriously the Energy Use and Cost.


Once you've finished with Energy Settings, you're ready to Analyze Energy Model (you need an Autodesk account) and see the Results & Compare.


These tips are only a few things I learned working with Project Vasari. I need to understand something else about Energy Settings (for example, how Core Offset affects the Energy Analysis), but I did this tutorial because I couldn't find anything in the web about that. Hopefully this will help someone out there!


If you have any question or if you want to help me and improve this brief tutorial, please leave a comment here! Thanks



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