Convegno Smart Geometry 2010 - Barcellona

Come promesso, ecco  il collegamento all'edizione 2010
del convegno Smart Geometry, che si terrà a Barcellona,
presso lo IaaC (Istituto di Architettura Avanzata di Catalogna), con giornate pubbliche 23 e 24 Marzo.


Due studenti del nostro gruppo hanno presentato i propri
progetti per la partecipazione al gruppo. Incrociate le dita!



The SmartGeometry Group is pleased to announce that the annual SG event will take place in Barcelona 19th – 24th March 2010. The event will be the key event in the year for discussing, learning and networking about the emerging practice of digital parametrics within the AEC community.

The event will come in three parts, a Workshop (19th-22th March), a public Shop Talk (23rd March), and a public Symposium and Reception (24th March). These events follow the highly successful previous SG events in San Francisco 2009, Munich 2008, New York 2007, Cambridge/London, UK 2006 and multiple preceding events.

Click here to view video from previous conferences in
San Francisco, Munich, and New York


Workshop: ‘Working Prototypes’

Annually, the SG workshop attracts an impressive group of tutors and attendees from across the world of academia, professional practice as well as many of the brightest students. The workshop is open to 100 applicants who come together for four intensive days of design and collaboration. Admission to the workshop is based on selection by the SmartGeometry Group.

The application deadline has been extended to Jan. 24, 2010

IAACThe 2010 SmartGeometry Workshop is organised around the challenge ‘Working prototypes’. Working prototypes are functioning prototypes developed for the purpose of proving and testing a concept and design. In 2010 the workshop will be held in the great industrial space at the IAAC in Barcelona. This allows possibilities for fabrication on even a 1:1 scale, of creating material stress, physical thinking and mental gymnastics. This puts the physical at centre stage in challenging participants to design, assemble and test working prototypes.

Detailed information about each Cluster can be found here

Click here to apply to the SG 2010 Workshop

Website registration is required to apply. Please register using the form on the right.

Information about training in GenerativeComponents can be found here


Conference Day One: shop talk (noun):

1. conversation about a craft or occupation, particularly outside of working hours
2. specialized vocabulary concerning a particular craft or occupation

The SmartGeometry workshop has for several years been followed by an Alumni Summit. This year, reflecting the theme "Working Prototypes", the Alumni Summit has become Shop Talk: a moment after intensive days of innovative work to reflect on what has been accomplished and where the discipline is headed. This event will feature informal discussions between leading practitioners and emerging talent in digital design, offering an inside perspective on how design prototypes are conceived, created, and tested. Shop Talk provides a rich context for the following day's Conference program, showing how the state of the art is forged in the studio.


Conference Day Two: Symposium

Day Two of the conference will feature leading researchers and practitioners in the field of computational design. Confirmed presenters include Adrian Bowyer (Senior lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath), Mark Burry (Director of the Spatial Information Architecture Laboratory, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia), Enrico Dini (Chairman of D-shape), and Rupert Soar (Director of Freeform Engineering Ltd.).