Inviato da federica melocchi il Dom, 27/04/2014 - 11:40
ALBERO SCELTO: quercus ilex

ho cercato di studiarne le geometrie e approssimarle ad una forma più elementare.
- new / family / conceptula mass/ mass per creare una nuova famiglia
- manage/ project units/ centimeters per modificare le unità di misura
- model / level per creare nuovi livelli ( creo un livello per oni piano caratteristico dell'albero)
Inviato da federica melocchi il Dom, 23/03/2014 - 15:22
I used the first plano f the first exercise. But I want to characterize my building with its main architectonic elements such as balconies.
- Click on Model- set- pick a plane to choose the place on which I can create the balconies
- Click on Create Mass to model architectonic elements.
I want to analyze solar radiation on my building in different periods of the year.
- Click on Analyze- solar radiation and there I can choose the periodo f my analysis.
Inviato da federica melocchi il Dom, 16/03/2014 - 12:49
- click on Manage to change Project Units ( from feet to meters)
- change the view of my plane to have a no distorted image ( click on Manage: from Prospective to Orthographic)
- there is a tag under the "orientation cube": click on Set location to search my location ( city and adress). I can put my building in the correct place with correct geographic coordinate( in my case: via Malaga 14, in the Torrino area)