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Analisi delle ombre in Via Sambucuccio d'Alando (Piazza Bologna), Roma

My building is located in Via Sambucuccio D'alando, near to Piazza Bologna in Rome.
The edifice is formed by seven floor plus a basament level.

I've focused my analysis on the part of the building (colored in red) where my apartment is situated on three different part of the day:
- 8 am ;

- 12 am ;
- 4 pm .

This portion is very interesting for the critical situation of his courtyard.

The near trees don't influence the shadow conditions because the other buildings are very high and shadow my edifice.

In this period of the year , it is shaded for most of the day except for part of the Nord-ovest facade. In this way the apartments not receive enough solar radiation so people are forced to live in a eternal half-light condition.
The near trees don't influence the shadow conditions because the other buildings are very high and shadow my edifice.




My procedure
1. I opened Vasari;

2. I Clicked on manage → Project unit → And I selected meters as unit of measure;
3. In the tab “Views” I selected Orthographic ;

4. I Clicked on the tab under the “view cube” to set the location of my building ;

5. I imported the Google map's image;
6. In the tab “Model” I selected “Create Mass” and I created the buildings's volumes;
7. I activated the shadows and the Sun Path clicking on the tab in the bottom of the window;
8. With “Sun settings” I managed my solar path;
9. For create views similar to my photos I used the camera tool;
8. I created a render of my views.



Anzi, direi molto efficaci!
e anche le considerazioni sono interessanti, sia pur laconiche.
quando nomini lo spazio interno e la poca luce..sarebbe bello
vedere meglio, magari anche un interno.

Aspettiamo poi le immagini nel post, come detto
ad altri per ora non colpa vostra.

hai fatto una simulazione renderizzata, 
che quindi tiene conto dei rimbalzi della luce  e dei materiali.

Dal punto di vista geometrico ci siamo,
non invece da quello della resta complessiva, la corte è più scura.
E se avesse avuto intonaco bianco? In condizioni di bassa luce non
abbaglia e forse migliora? Prendere nota per il progetto.....