Reffering to the previous exercise I decided to create a curtain wall which consist of bricks which are rotated in sinusoidal way similar to Gramazio & Kohler project.
I started creating a brick in generic model family. First i made a brick with extrusion and create parameters for dimensions but after came out that I can't add parameter for the angle. Next I found out that it's possible first creating reference lines and parameters for them and after pinning to them extrusion. Unfortunately when i was changing the dimension for angle parameter the brick was rotated in one of ending point of the edge not in the middle of the brick, so to do it I draw additional reference line and pinned it to both center reference lines.
Next I add integer parameter 'brick nr' which let me create a formula for angle parameter. To receive satisfying formula I multiplied it for 100°.
I loaded this family to another generic model family. And here i can change the parameters already added and previous family. I create an array for the loaded brick and here starts the problem because if I want to change the parameters of the bricks I had to ungroup it which means that I can not create a curtain panel with changable dimensions which allows me to have different numbers of bricks while changing the dimensions of whole curtain panel. Another problem is that my formula contains an integer parameter so I have to put following number picking every brick. I'm sure there is some simple way to make my formula conditioned on a distance for each brick measured from the same point but I couldn't figure out by myself how to achieve that.
I opened new family where I create an array for the bricks so I can change the number of brick but I still can't figure out how to change the angle for each brick and use my formula in this case. I saw that Matteo Persanti was struggling with very similar problem but he couldn't solve it neither, so I'm not sure if this way of achieving my idea is possible, especially when it gets very complicated adding next levels of bricks moved for the half of lenght.