Let's start opening the main screen of the program
Choose the type of family template wich you want to use for your family: this allow you to have a space work with a specific database and different parameters based on the different character of the object and that gives distinguished options to manage the family you'll create.
In our case It will be a generic model
The screen shows two orthogonal dotted axis: this are the default axis of this type of model
we assign a name to the file
Now we'll define the parameters of the panel directly as these are described in their data sheet
Selecting the "family types" key ,
there will be show a menu that gives you the possibility to define some parameters, in our case these will be the depth (s), the height (h) and widht (l)
We'll proceed naming every parameters and after we have defined the specific measures of all of them, we choose to lock this numerical properties because this aren't variable
we choose to lock this numerical properties because this aren't variable
Now we can start to create the structure of the object in our workspace
Whit the "extrude" key, place on the main toolbar, a different toolbar will be shows, concerning the extrude menu indeed.
We start to create our panel using the "square" button, and then we draw a generic square with random measures and randomly placed in the workspace
the next step it's about the "reference plane": we will create different planes thank to wich we assign the parameters previously created and that will allow us to manage exactly the object's layout
Firs of all, click on the "reference plane" key in the "create" toolbar
this we'll change the cursor in a cross that will define the starting and the ending point of the plane, display with a dotted green line
in the "properties" windows you can name the new plane
if you don't have any "properties" window on your main screen , you can choose it in the "view" toolbar
by clicking the "user interface" options, and there you can thik what you need to display in your workspace and customize it
After we have created and named all the required planes , we can align and lock these planes to the object by clicking into the "modify" toolbar ----> the "align" key and select the plane and then the side of the object we want to align to , or the opposite, and ending by lock it all with a click on the lock display near the plane
to do this, we choose in the "annotate" toolbar ----> the "alligned dimension" key, and so we can assign the dimension by click the starting and the ending side that we want to define with ours parameters
now we'll assign the dimension system of the panel to the object, by assign an allign dimension to every distance we have previously defined in the parameters
now we can select the dimension we want to define and by clicking in the secondary toolbar the "label" key we can choose in the menu the parameter we want to assign
finally we have our panel defined in every dimensions