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Vasari for energetic analysis

 Vasari is a software beta from Autodesk that integrates 3D conceptual modeling with energy analysisve

After we've opened and named a new file from the main Vasari's screen, the first step it will be choose the "sun setting" in the "manage" toolbar


In the relative toolbar we'll find different boxes that allow us to manage some parameter for set the position of the project, as location, the date and the time.

We set the location searching in the relative tab

Now we click on the Vasari's tab to display the main menu, where you can find the option "import cad" that allow you to import the project that you want to use for the analysis


Choose the file in the display box

Now, exactly as in Revit, we modeling the conceptual model of the project using the "mass" tool , and creating the enviroment we want to study

To study different option, we can use the "design options" tool, that allow us to create different setting for all the options we want to analyze

This display you the enviroment like freezing, while the object that you want to change it's more visible

So go to the "design options" tab and click "new set" key to add how much options you need, and rename these step by step


Now create a different 3d view for any of the new set, by duplicate and rename an existing view: you can do this just clicking with the right button of the view and choose this option in the display menu

Then you can change the graphic parameter  in the" properties" window of the view and set the visibility in the new way



Now we can manage the levels , by manipulate the value of the height display when these are selected

The levels in our project we'll be set every five meters

You can also manage the height by write in the "elevation" box display in the "properties" window of the level show on the left side when you click on it

We can define now the "mass floor" in the "modify" toolbar and associate these levels with the different floor


By click a random mass floor the featured we'll be display in the properties window, as the area and the volume


In the "analyze" toolbar we find the "enable energy model": click it and the mass we'll appear as a conceptual building do with traspanrent and opaque edge, as setting in the default mode


Click on "energy setting" tab a boxes will be display where different parameter as "building type" and "target percentage glazing" can be manage

Start to check the project: by click on the shadows we understand the north of the project must be set



Click the "position" button in the "analyze" toolbar 



Now by choosing the right view in the browser window we can finally rotate the north as draw in the cad file


The real north of the project


Ok, now the shadows seems to be how these must be

Now we return to the "energy setting", an start to customize it, by set for exaple the nature of the building as "library"

we also manipulate the "target percentage glazing" and see what happen after change the value, once set at the 10% and once set at 90%


Apply the different percentage the area of the windows in every edge of the model it's changed


Also we can manage the different nature of every spaces in the project, by selecting the edge's mass and choose differents parameters in the "properties" window



After choose the different features and setting the project preferences we can finally run the energy analysis




The output we'll be display in a new windows, with a lot of informations about all the energetic charatteristics
