The first step was to import the map of the street of my house (via Gaspare Spontini). I corrected the Project Units in meters. Than I traced the profile of the building looking at the roofs (using the command Create Mass). I signed the border and than I extruded the volumes paing attention to the real height of the structures. Once I extruded all the buildings I activated the shadows with the command Shadows on and set the correct time with the command Sun Settings. The time that i set in the program is the same of the pictures. I took three pictures at three different time of the day (12.30 p.m./15 p.m./16.30 p.m.).
This program underlines the importance of the study of the sun to the building. In the old constructions or more in the new. The shadows and the sun as we can see in the pictures don't depend only from the projections of the roof or terraces or the shape of the build but also depends from the context. This factor is not always took under consideration and many people think that their project are something that don't have a correlation with the other building or the trees around it.
In fact we can see how during the day the shadows change on the prospect of the building. All this shadows aren't own of the building but reported by the context.
Ombre in vasari piu alte
da che puo dipendere?
credo dipenda dal laffto che l'altezza dei palazzi non sia identica alla realta.
Andrea Piattella