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blog di andreapiattella

Esercitazione 4_Andrea Piattella

Allego i file perché non c'è modo di caricare le immagini insieme al testo. Ho fatto quindi dei file photoshop poi salvati in JPG.

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Binary Data Albero.rfa332 KB

Esercitazione 2_Solar radiation

First of all I added to the old 3D some parts that colud influence the solar radiation or the study of the sun. With Create mass I maked the moldings but not the balconies or other projections or indentations because not relevant anough for this study. I have stilyzed the moldings as rectangles high thirty centimeters and one meter wide. Finished the volumes with the command Solar Radiation I started the Solar Analysis. I selected Multy-Day and I did either Winter Solar Study and Summer Solar Study. I selected all the volumes and also the ground and automatically it created the study.


Esercitazione 1, Via Gaspare Spontini. Andrea Piattella

The first step was to import the map of the street of my house (via Gaspare Spontini). I corrected the Project Units in meters. Than I traced the profile of the building looking at the roofs (using the command Create Mass). I signed the border and than I extruded the volumes paing attention to the real height of the structures. Once I extruded all the buildings I activated the shadows with the command Shadows on and set the correct time with the command Sun Settings. The time that i set in the program is the same of the pictures.

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