I have changed the prospective view with the assonometric one with the tab MANAGE.After that with tab MANAGE/PROJECT UNITS I changed the unit of measure from inches scale in meters scale. I insert the coordinates of the building location with SET LOCATION and I placed the aerial photo of the building with IMPORT IMAGE . Using the MODEL/CREATE MASS i draw the perimeter of my building with the option LINE. With the command MODIFY I extruded with the real height (3.50 m per floor). the surface using the directing arrow. Finally to close the operation I select FINISH MASS. To see the diffent shadow of building during the day I set at first SUN PATH ON (choosing h 8:15 a.m,12:40 on 20/03/14) and then SHADOW ON. To have the view as similar as the real pictures of building I used CAMERA and set the wright inclination with EYE ELEVATION and TARGET ELEVATION.
My house is located in Via Oderisi da Gubbio 232, Roma. I choose to study the view between the two volumes that build up the complex. I observe that in the morning (8.15a.m.) the front of my house, located at the 5 floor, is in shadow because of the fronting building. Instead at 12.40 a.m the flat is totally illuminated, so one room and the living room enjoy the day light.