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Esercitazione 1_Solar Analysis_Furio Camillo, Via Cerreto di Spoleto, Roma_Antonino Zappulla

Analysis of the shadows.

In this post I will show how to do a simple solar analysis.It's better divided the process into several points:

1. Open a new project from the first display of Vasari;

2. First of all you need to change some parameters in order to not have problems in the future analysis:

            2.a You need to change the view, from a perspective one to a Defaul 3D view;

            2.b From Menage Menu set up Orthographic view, in order to have a better view during the realization;

            2.c At the end you have to modify the project units, from inches to metres;

Now we are ready to start the real solar analysis:

3. The first step consists to set the location of the study area;

4. Now you can create pure volume (for the first time) with the comand Create Mass>Line and then with the comand Modify you can decide the height of your buildings;

5. Put Sun path on and Shadows on;

6. Go to Sun settings and choose the right date and time in which you want to do your analysis

7. At the end with comand Camera choose your best view and control that the shadow that you have from this analysis are the same of your photos.


My study area is located near Tuscolana station and Furio Camillo, in the East of Rome. It is Via Cerreto di Spoleto. It is a neighborhood characterized by housing of medium quality, buildings with a inner court of 6/8 floors. I analysed the North-East facade of my building. The results obtained with Vasari coincide with the reality and confirm, in my opinion, a wrong distribuition of the internal space; the kitchen, for example, that is exposed to South-East is illuminated by the direct sun only in the early morning (also because my house is in the first floor and the right distance with the other building is not respect). After that i need to turn on the light during the day. This leads to a waste of energy!