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blog di Antonino Zappulla

5_es_study of solar radiation on the openings of the project_Passerini_Zappulla_Lab6C

Soon we're going to analyze the openings of our project.

Go on solar radiation. 
On Data Display: 
type -> cumulative (the one that gives us a more real. "Avarage" is better to size a photovoltaic system;"peack" for the maximum peak)
Unit -> Wh / m ^ 2 
style -> click ... to create a new style


Citrus x Sinensis_Arancio_Vegetation analysis_Antonino Zappulla



In this post I want to study a tree that is dear to me: Citrus x sinensis. It is a kind of tree, that had always a happy union with the Architecture of my birthplace: Sicily


3_Es Lab_6 - Design assumptions in Terni - Tommaso Passerini, Antonino Zappulla - Lab C Vidotto

The project area is located in Terni near the Matteotti Village. Our task is to build a residential complex and create ways desired by Terni prg.

First of all we are going to modify the curves share. click on it and we can change the height and rename.



Esercitazione 2_Solar Radiation_Furio Camillo, Via cerreto di Spoleto, Roma_ Antonino Zappulla



In our first exercise we have limited ourselves to perform an analysis of the shadows.

Now let's do a step forward! A solar radiation analysis.


Esercitazione 1_Solar Analysis_Furio Camillo, Via Cerreto di Spoleto, Roma_Antonino Zappulla

Analysis of the shadows.

In this post I will show how to do a simple solar analysis.It's better divided the process into several points:

1. Open a new project from the first display of Vasari;

2. First of all you need to change some parameters in order to not have problems in the future analysis:

            2.a You need to change the view, from a perspective one to a Defaul 3D view;

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