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Lab_6 Es_1 Vasari Solar Radiation_ Via di Monteverde, Quartiere Monteverde, Rome_ Martina Pieri

My flat is located in Via di monteverde, quartiere monteverde, Rome. It's at the basement of a six floors building and it has a garden and it's under the road surface. Being at the basement and be surrounded on two sides by other building and on one side by a high wall that reaches the road surface, the apartment does not receive excessive daytime illumination and this has advantages and disadvantages.

Img.1 Maps and flat location

Img.2 3d view

Img.3 Two views of the street

Img.4 View A

Img.5 Solar radiation of the block on 21st of december

On summer the house is kept chilly but, on winter, unfortunately, the few solar rays are not enough to heat it up so we are forced to keep perpetually turned on the radiators. Beyond the shadow produced by the buildings there is also the one produced by the trees of our garden and the trees of our neighbour's garden. I choose three moments of the day: 10:30 a.m, 1:30 p.m, 3:30 p.m.

The aim of my study is to understand the problem of the side of the building that overlooks on my garden because they concern myself and my quality of life. This side of the building is located towards South-West so at 10:30 it's completely shaded. At 1:30 p.m is enlighted except a small part on the corner and at 3:30 p.m it's beginnig to be obscured again.

Img. 6 Solar radiation at 10:30 a.m

              The whole wall is completely shaded. The only part that is enlighted is a small piece of my garden.

Img.7  Solar radiation at 1:30 p.m

              The wall is enlighted except a small fraction in the corner. 

Img.8 Solar radiation at 3:30 p.m

             The shadow begins to cover a part of the building. This process has started from 1:30 p.m and it will finish at six p.m. 

So, in order to take advantage of illumination, the best part of the day is between 11:30 a.m and 4:30 p.m because there is full light.