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1_ES_LAB6_Solar Analylsis_Via dei Monti Tiburtini_Roma

I first changed the parameters ( from feet to meters ) , after I set the orthographic view and from the “Sun setting” command I tried my position and imported the image to create the buildings.To create the volumes of  buildings I used the command "Create Mass " and I changed the height according to the plans, and once finished I clicked on " Mass Finish " to end the operation .For the analysis of solar I clicked on "Sun Path " and " Shadows " to get the solar mask and I put the time and date when I photographed my building.

For the analysis , I looked at three different times during the day : 10:30 am , 14:30 pm and 16:30 in the evening. Result is that the south -east  front is entirely sunny throughout the morning, while approximately 14:30 becomes entirely shaded , while the north -west face is shaded during the morning and in the afternoon is never entirely sunny because of neighboring buildings .

Osservations : Looking out my apartment on the south –east front  I could see that it is the best orientation, because in the winter it receives direct sunlight throughout the morning and the indirect light in the afternoon , while in summer it is shaded in the afternoon so as to remove the heat accumulated during the morning.
