Tu sei qui

seconda consegna_solar radiation_ antonio scirocchi

In this second exercise, i've started from the elementary volumes extruded for the first exrcise, and i've analized the solar radiation on my house. As the first step i've modeled my originals volumes adding different details: the ground, the balconies, the falls of roof end the canopy.  Because during the warmer period of the year, there is a greater duration of daylight and during th colder period there is a lower duration of daylight, the solar radiation changes during the year. 

With the button "solar radiation" i can know the radiation of the sun, expressed in kNh/mq, that my house receives, with the possibility to change time and period of the year. I've decided to analize two principal front of my house: the north-east and the south-west. 

The north-east front both during the summer both during the winter, is always shady and the presence of  the canopy change the radiation of the sun on the wall.  




Because the wall doesn't many radiated, i could find some problems, in particolar:  in the lower of wall (mold, humidity, plaster ruined) and on the paving overgrown by moss. 


The south-west front instead doesn't show humidity or mold, during the year is always radiated, but the terrace is very sunny, in fact my grandmother uses it to drying clothes. 




Whole the house is fresh, and during the summer we didn't need of air conditioning, because the walls is cold, but the roof pitches is very hot.

By analisys with Vasari i dont' find some difference with reality, but i thought that the north-east front is more hot, because is impraticable from 12:00 am to 14:00 pm during the summer.