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Japanese Magnolia_Vegetation Analysis_Tommaso Passerini



We'll go to analyze and create the Japanese magliolia located at Settebagni near Salaria street.

Magnolia is a genus of plants of the family Magnoliaceae. 
The Magnolia leaves are alternate, oval or elliptical, generally large and leathery, solitary flowers, large, generally cup-shaped, the stamens are numerous lamellar carpels are placed on the receptacle cone. 
The fruits are ovoid cones in seed heads, they contain the seeds shiny reddish or orange.



First of all let's start by creating the trunk. Go to MANAGE------>CREATE MASS , select Circle form and drow base of trunk. Then we change the parameters of the contour lines to define height of the trunk and canopy height. Then extrude the trunk like in the picture.



Do the same thing with the rest of the tree



To make the tree in more detail we create curves of intermediate level



Now click on the mass and click on XRAY view. Then click on EDIT PROFILE: now we can change the radius of the canopy; then if we click on ADD PROFILE we can add other intermediate section of the mass. Then we can change the parameters  for give a similar real form to the model.






Well now if we click FINISH MASS it's done! The result of the Japanese Magniolia is that!