In this exercise I analyzed the solar radiation of the windows of my apartment. My apartment has windows just on one side in the direction of south. They are all in one line and facing the facade of another building. So they are not exposed to direct sunlight all day lomg, but it becomes still very hot during the summer.
Window 1:
It is actually not a window but the door to the balcony. This has the advantage that, also if it is facing south, it has an offset (the depth of the balcony) so the window is not always exposed to direct sunlight.
The first image shows the window at 10 a.m. On the 24/05/2014. comparing the images it is easy to see that due to the fact that the balcony of the apartment above is making shadows on the window the most radiation is in the middle of the window.
The next picture is taken at 12 a. m. this is the time when there is more radiation also the gap between the part in the shadow and the part in the sun is getting bigger.
At 3. p.m. The whole window is shadowed. Although the radiation is higher respect to the part in the shadow at 10 a.m.
At 6 p.m. The whole facade is scheduled. It is interesting to see that the values are changed respect to the morning. Now the higher values are at the top
window 2:
At 3 p.m. The second window has more solar radiation than window number two because it has no offset so there is direct radiation from the sun.
Window 3:
it is the same as window one because they're one after the other.
Window 4:
is has less radiation because it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Because it is facing the facade of the house on the opposite side.