Inviato da Tezarek Tina il Ven, 30/05/2014 - 12:39
Inviato da Tezarek Tina il Dom, 25/05/2014 - 19:14
In this exercise I analyzed the solar radiation of the windows of my apartment. My apartment has windows just on one side in the direction of south. They are all in one line and facing the facade of another building. So they are not exposed to direct sunlight all day lomg, but it becomes still very hot during the summer.

Inviato da Tezarek Tina il Mar, 22/04/2014 - 16:00
In this exercise I designed a common laurel tree (Prunus laurocerasus). It is an evergreen species. its usually small to medium-sized, growing about 10 metres tall. it has a rather dense foliage that doesn't allow the passage of light.
Inviato da Tezarek Tina il Dom, 06/04/2014 - 16:35
In this project we are supposed to design a building with a courtyard that includes 70 to 80 apartments of different sizes as well as services for the community. The area is located in Terni and surrounded by some experimental estates like the “villaggio Matteotti” (which was built by Giancarlo de Carlo in the 70s) on one hand and on the other hand by some of small buildings with low density. In the north the area is facing a street which connects two different estates which should also include a public square.
Inviato da Tezarek Tina il Dom, 23/03/2014 - 18:45
In this second exercise I analised the solar radiation of my building.
To start the analysis of the sun radiation I used the comand "Analyze" and selected "Solar Radiation"