I brought as a case study my own home. Its exposure is very poor, in fact, it only faces southwest and there isn’t any projection that covers from the direct sun. The house overlooks the terrace, where all the sun is catalyzed and contributes to a further heating of the interior.
This is what happends in wintertime:
During wintertime this could be better,in fact the facade is always lightened, but in summertime we can’t but turn on the air conditioner.
The only part of the house were the climate is livable is the living room. Trough a winter garden opened at northeast, the air can circulate and create pleasant ventilation.
The perfect climate of the house is the guesthouse, which is covered at southwest by a gazebo and has little openings at northeast. This set is ideal for the temperature of the space, but tends to be very dark.
Said that, the living room is the best place of the house. In my opinion, the room could be better if a little projection were made over the southwest wall.