Inviato da pao.tomasello il Dom, 21/09/2014 - 12:48
In questa ultima consegna useremo il Software Autodesk Vasari (ancora in versione Beta) per analizzare la performance energetica del nostro Hotel Prefabbricato.
Inviato da francosalvati il Lun, 24/03/2014 - 13:03
The second exercise was about the analysis of the solar radiation of the building we live in different periods of the year. Moreover, with this exercise we have to slightly increase the detail level of our design on Vasari.
The periods i chose to test are five, proved by the same number of pictures.
1) Winter: analysis carried out between December, the 21st 2013 and March, the 20th 2014.
2) Spring: reference period is between March, the 20th 2014 and June, the 21st 2014.
Inviato da nicolosantini il Dom, 23/03/2014 - 18:08
Time has come to get to a deeper layer of analysis. Vasari gives us the possibility of checking out the consequences of solar radiation on solid masses, throughout a variably long time (i.e. a season).