Inviato da Micol Pucciarelli il Gio, 19/07/2012 - 18:50
We've done an analysis of shadows in our project to see how the building react to sun lightning and if it is in a good position thinking also about flats disposition inside it.
First we've turned on the sun path and the shadows option to control all changes we are going to do.
Modifying the "Sun Setting" we've seen which differences there are between summer solstice and winter solstice, so during the entire year.
Inviato da Micol Pucciarelli il Gio, 07/06/2012 - 15:59
Il progetto a cui stiamo lavorando è un edificio di edilizia residenziale popolare sito nella zona di Val Melaina;
Inviato da Micol Pucciarelli il Gio, 03/05/2012 - 16:30
In this second phase I've studied how the solar radiation changes through the year and where the sun lightning is more intense in relation with days and seasons.
I've seen that in summer from 10:00 to 16:00 the sun in high in the sky so the radiation is more intense on roofs while northen faces are overshadowed.
Inviato da Micol Pucciarelli il Gio, 05/04/2012 - 22:50
1° step I've imported the site image of the location I've choosen.
2° step I've changed project units from feets to meters.
3° step To create a mass I've drawn rectangular surfaces through lines. Then I've created the elements selecting lines or geometryes.