Hi all,
I think my Vasari2 has a strange problem, in fact I can create every kind of mass but I can only use the Boston sunlight system, there is a problem also introducing the location of the area, the real problem is that VASARI WANTS ME TO BE CONNECTED,
but I think that my connection is fine (in this moment I'm writing in a blog).
The teacher's assistan advised me to control my anti-virus, so I removed the poup-up block, and turned off the web control but nothing, then I thought to change some parameters in my personal User in the computer, the results? The problem has still kept.
Do you have some device to give me?
Pat ancora ti persiste il
Pat ancora ti persiste il problema?
Allora su dropbox c'è ancora caricato vasari2 e riprova con quella altrimenti togliamo momentaneamente l' anti v
work in progress step 1
OK I did it already without success, I will try again.
First attempt failed.
Patrizio Boccanera
work in progress step 2
After disabiliting my antivirus and other attempts without success, I decided to go through a different way, trying to complete my first hand-in in a reasonable way. In order to reach this goal I used another notebook, a my friend's one, after downloading the map of my house through it I imported the file in my notebook.
At the beginning the image appeared really deformed.
I tried to look for a solution when I found the button "Orthographic view" under Manage menu bringing the situatio to the normality.
Having the right sunlight system I can show the right shadow of the building.
I DIDN'T SOLVE THE PROBLEM but in this way I climb I DIDN'T SOLVE THE INITIAL PROBLEM BUT IN THIS WAY I CLIMBED IT I DIDN'T SOLVE THE PROBLEM![](http://design.rootiers.it/tecniche2012/sites/default/files/users/pat.boccanera/shadow.jpg)
I DIDN'T SOLVE THE PROBLEM, I CLIMBED IT. anyway i'm looking for a solution.
Patrizio Boccanera
Connessione Vasari
Ho lo stesso problema (ho appena fatto un post nel mio blog sullo stesso argomento, in quanto non mi ero accorta che mi avevi preceduto!), l'unico passo avanti che sono riuscita a fare (rispetto a quanto avevamo visto in aula) è escludere che il problema sia l'antivirus, perchè oltre a provare a disattivarlo senza ottenere nessun risultato migliorativo, ho provato a lavorare sul computer fisso che ha lo stesso identico antivirus e lì (nonstante siano sorti altri problemi) il problema di connessione non c'è stato!
Great! Bravi!
Great job,
"climbing" the solution was a great example of flexibility.
And Studying problems of software helps to understand the underlying structures.
"Errors are portals of discovery" - James Joyce
See you at the class
Ovviamente la connessione per questo primo esercizio serve solo all'inizio,
anche se come vedremo nelle prossime lezioni, servirà
anche in seguito. Continuiamo a studiare, Bravi.