Inviato da Rodrigo Salsedo il Gio, 03/05/2012 - 18:03
As I've stated in the previous article I've managed building's disposition in order to exploit solar radiation for heating in winter. So every building has a long facede south-facing and in every apartment, most important rooms are south-facing. As shown in the images below every building has an optimal solar radiation as in winter (image1) than in summer (image2).
Inviato da Cecilia Rosa il Gio, 03/05/2012 - 13:27
STEP ONE: Model of the project
STEP TWO: Sun path on --> Sun settings
STEP THREE: Shadows on
STEP FOUR: Analyze --> Ecotect Solar Radiation
STEP FIVE: Sun settings --> Multy-Day --> Winter Solar Study or Summer Solar Study
Inviato da MarcoTondo il Ven, 27/04/2012 - 09:31
Per realizzare un modello 3d in
Dalla family importo un parallelepipedo che posso modificare
con il comando edit family posso editare queso solido delle dimensioni che mi servono...
non ci riesco perchè non so usare Revit.
Provo allora a seguire la strada Autocad.
Importo, in Autocad, l'immagine raster che ho montato in Vasari; la scalo con raiferimento e inizio a modellare gli edifici disposti in maniera radiale parallelamente al
all'edificio a forma d'arco.
Inviato da Carina Valentin il Ven, 20/04/2012 - 14:30
First I have imported the dwg of the area.
Then I have created the mass of my design for the area.
After that I have changed the Sun Settings and the location (to Rome), Sun Path on, Shadows on.
Inviato da Edoardo Croce il Dom, 15/04/2012 - 15:51
I chose for the first exercise my home as location. So I clicked on ANALYZE to choose the location and the nearest weather station. From google maps I imported the image of the area to VASARI PROJECT. Then on MODEL I selected CREATE MASS in order to create the 3D volume of my building and the one of the building behind to see the shadows that it produces on my facade. When I finished I clicked on FINISH MASS.