Inviato da virginia pucello il Gio, 24/04/2014 - 16:19
L'albero in questione è una Magnolia, pianta dalle medie o grandi dimensioni, che arriva spesso a superare i 25 m di altezza. Si presenta con una chioma piuttosto ampia, a forma di cono o anche colonnare, e il suo abbraccio può allargarsi dino a 10 metri circa.
Inviato da virginia pucello il Dom, 06/04/2014 - 03:14
Inviato da virginia pucello il Dom, 23/03/2014 - 03:04
Second Exercise
Object of study of the second exercise is the analysis of solar radiation, and how it acts on the building in question. I decided to consider the summer and the winter period, comparing the two periods in an interval of time between sunrise and sunset. Another element to consider is the effect that the building, with solar radiation, results on the ground on which it is resting.
Inviato da virginia pucello il Dom, 16/03/2014 - 15:41
The analysis of the shadows relates to the building at Avenue Villa Pamphili 20 , Monteverde Vecchio district (RM) . The pictures were taken the day March 12, 2014 at strategic times : at 8.30 a.m. , 14.30 p.m., and then at 17.00 p.m. During the solstices the sun rises approximately to the east and sets approximately to the west ; so you can see the light change on the facade of the building in question. To verify that it is in this way, I created a model using Vasari , before tracing the plan on the map imported from google maps, and then extruding it .