Inviato da carlaluisa il Lun, 28/04/2014 - 14:11
l'albero analizzato il ''prunus cerasifera pissardii'' che ha una fioritura rosa a inizio marzo per circa due settimane per poi mettere le foglie rosse (stato attuale mostrato in foto) e fiorire in in estate
Inviato da LIV.SPADA il Lun, 28/04/2014 - 14:09
Inviato da sibilla.ferroni il Lun, 28/04/2014 - 13:57
Tree: Genus and Species
Start the exercise choosig the type of tree you want to model.
I'm going to create a family of mass that I can put inside a model, so I choose a type of tree that I'll use in my project: the "prunus cerasifera".
Inviato da Ionut Girneata il Lun, 28/04/2014 - 12:24
Holm Oak characteristics:
For this exercise I've chosen to study the Holm Oak, a large evergreen tree native to the Mediterranean region. It takes its name from holm, an ancient name for holly. It is a member of the white oak section of the genus, with acorns that mature in a single summer. Its height can reach 20-25 meters.
Inviato da eleonoravelluto il Lun, 28/04/2014 - 12:15
Hi there,
Today I'm going to work on the vegetation. Vegetation is very relevant in a project when we want to analyse solar radiation and shadows.
To do that, it is possible to create a new Family in Vasari in order to model the chosen tree. Families are useful in modeling because we can create parametric elements and import them into the project. We can then easily change their shape by editing the values.
The tree I choose to import in my project is the Acer platanoides, the maple tree.