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TPP 2014

Tecniche Parametriche di Progettazione A.A. 2013-2014

prima esercitazione


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Valmelaina courtyards study

For the first exercise, my approach was to import the project area. I decided to work on the two courtyards at Valmelaina, by De Feo. At first I have worked on Floor Plan: 2D site for the plan of the two courtyards, then on 3D view for modeling. I have analyzed the shading of the buildings and the wind behaviour with Ecotect Wind tunnel.

1. I changed the project units

2. I drawed the volumes of the two courtyards

3. I analyzed the shading of the buildings choosing random times.

4. I analyzed the wind behaviour with Ecotect Wind tunel.


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For this first exercitation I've uploaded the image of the area next to via Amleto Palermi              --->  ANALYZE - LOCATION - IMPORT SITE LOCATION

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first date with vasari (prima esercitazione)

for the first exercise I've chosen the location , in this case the project area of palmieri's course. After this choice I've created masses of various building near the place. Than I've setted on, shadows and the sun path.



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prima esercitazione


Il primo fatto nell’utilizzo di Project Vasari è quello di verificare la relazione tra realtà e modello. Per fare ciò inizieremo a modellare i palazzi attorno all’area di progetto per poi verificare che le ombre create da vasari siano simili a quelle reali analizzate sull’area.

Per prima cosa abbiamo inserito le unità di misura da noi utilizzate secondo i seguenti steps: MANAGE- PROJECT UNITS e nelle varie voci inseriamo l’unità di misura “METERS”.

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