Inviato da Chietti Chiara il Lun, 17/03/2014 - 12:39
Inviato da francosalvati il Lun, 17/03/2014 - 12:31
The first exercise of the course concerns solar analysis of the house we live in, considering the shadows of the neighboring buildings. My building in placed in Tivoli (Rome) in Cinque Giornate 36 Street.
My analysis was performed on Monday, March 17th 2014 at 10 a.m. using the sotware produced by Autodesk, Vasari.
I observed how other buildings shadowed my home from two different viewpoints. After shooting different photos i chose the faces of the building much interested me.
First of all i made a general analysis of the area, watching the area from the top.
Inviato da Liviaalbaneseruffo il Lun, 17/03/2014 - 12:15
The building is placed in the north part of Roma in a small road with a few buildings. So the other buildings don't overshadow my home a lot, also becouse it's the highest (20 mt ), while the other building are high about 15 mt or less.
After opening Vasari I took the maps to draw my building and the others. With the control “ sun setting” I have set different hours in different season to see the radiation of all faces of my building, for example at 10:00 a.m and 15: p.m. We can see as the face North – Est and that oriented South – West have different overshadow.
Inviato da JulieLiberto il Lun, 17/03/2014 - 11:47
the house is located in Colonna, village of Castelli Romani, in via Berlinguer n°2. the photos were taken 16 March at 4 30 pm and 6 30 pm and another the 17 March at 7 30 am. analizing the shading with the program Autodesk Vasari, i noticed that the disposicion of the rooms is not opportune. In fact, the living room,the kitchen and two of the three bedrooms are exposed at NE, where the light is quite poor. While at SO we find the two bathrooms and the other bedroom.
Inviato da macciocca.elena il Lun, 17/03/2014 - 11:25
The house in the picture is located in Via Aldo Banzi 101. The first picture has been taken the 16th of March at 02.00 in the afternoon, the second one has been taken te 16th of March as well but at 04.30 pm. The last one has been taken the day after, the 17th of March in the morning, at 08.00. Studing the picture I observe that the South prospect (that should be the sunniest side) is completely covered by the other building around it. The most lightned prospect is the SW one but is quite small and poor of windows.